Below are descriptions of the Committee Chair roles at CRES PTO. Committee Chairs must be paid PTO members and must be cleared through our district, click here for more information. Time commitment for these roles varies, should you have any questions email Many of these committees have been established and the new chair can pick up where the previous chair left off, or they have the ability to make it their own and bring a new approach. All of these chairs have the full support of our board and are able to request additional volunteers/teams to support each program. We appreciate you volunteering for these roles!
Art Docent
This chair is responsible to coordinate a volunteer per class, training and oversee the materials for the Art Docent Program. They are also responsible to ensure we have enough volunteers for each grade. We would like to incorporate a possible fundraiser for this program at the end of the year and this volunteer would work with our VP of Fundraising to establish a plan.
This committee is made up of 2 non-officers of the PTO that will conduct an audit of our books once per year at end of year.
Book Fair
These co-chairs will be responsible for organizing the two Book Fair events during the school year. They will work with the President and Treasure to determine how Scholastic Dollars should be spent. In addition, they will work with the Treasurer to establish a budget for the upcoming school year.
Box Tops Chair
This chair is responsible for collecting and submitting Box Tops for redemption. In addition, they will work with the Treasurer to establish a budget for the upcoming school year.
Carnival (Chair & Co-Chair)
These co-chairs will be responsible for organizing the school carnival in June. We currently have a plan from the previous year and these chairs can pick up from there to schedule vendors and coordinate volunteers. In addition, they will work with the Treasurer to establish a budget for the upcoming school year.
Family Fun Nights
Help organize social family events at CRES throughout the year. This chair will work closely with our CRES Admin office to ensure dates are booked in advance and events are properly coordinated.
5th Grade Recognition (Legacy Project/Events)
This chair is responsible to work with our school in the 5th Grade Legacy project and coordinate with our Yearbook chair any opportunities to highlight our 5th Graders each year. In addition, they are responsible for coordinating any Camp Casey needs, yard signs or other events for the current school year.
Lost & Found
Helps to organize items a few times in the year and posts pictures to FB in order to try to clean up the Lost & Found.
The chair for this role will work with the President, Treasurer and VP of Community to identify the best ways to conduct our yearly Membership Drive. They are responsible for maintaining our membership list and membership email group that the Secretary utilizes to send meetings/minutes. They will also periodically review the membership list to ensure members are in good standing.
Staff Appreciation
This committee chair organize events/treats for our Staff various times throughout the year. Typically, we have done monthly events; however, they will be responsible for developing a plan that they like and work with the budget that is allocated to this program.
Nominating Committee
The nominating committee will consist of three PTO members, and no more than one of those may be an executive board member. Officers must be presented by the nominating committee no later than 30 days prior to the May general meeting.
Otters Are Readers Program
This committee chair will oversee the reading program. They will create the tracking form and identify prizes/rewards for kids. In addition, they will work with the Book Fair Chair(s) to identify opportunities to utilize Scholastic Dollars to benefit the students.
PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention & Support)
Parent Representative
This role requires parents to meet with staff at CRES once a week after school to review the PBIS program.
This chair will be responsible for managing the popcorn budget, ordering materials/food and running the popcorn Friday events at CRES.
School Kits
This chair will be responsible for working with CRES staff and our vendor to establish supply lists for the upcoming school year, sending out reminders via FB and email and coordination the delivery of the supply kits to the school. This is the perfect role for someone that is looking to volunteer remotely and runs from April/May - August.
This Chair is responsible for the annual Science Fair that is held at THS for CRES students. They will work closely with the president, treasurer and our school to ensure we have a successful event. In addition, they are able to develop programs that they see fit and request additional volunteers.
Student Recognition
This chair will work closely with the Dean of Students to establish a plan for the upcoming year, establish a budget and coordinate events with volunteers as needed.
Student Wellness
Volunteer will partner with PE staff, counselor and/or school nurse to create a program for students in order to promote student wellness.
Volunteer Recognition
This chair will be responsible for coordinating a year end Volunteer Appreciation. They will reach out to Committee Chairs and Executive Board to pull together the list of volunteers and organize the event at year end.
Watch D.O.G.S.
This chair will be responsible for coordinating a kick off event and working with the communications chair to get the word out for volunteers. They will also meet with the President and Dean of Students at the beginning of the year to develop a plan for the program.
This chair will be responsible for establishing/continuing with our Yearbook vendor contract. They will reach out for volunteers to help collect pictures from classes and organize and submit the yearbook for production. The yearbook chair will work with our school administrative staff to coordinate yearbook pictures and with our Treasurer and President to establish pricing for the yearbook.